Friday, April 10, 2009


We have had such a busy couple of weeks. Friday night Thomas went out with one of his friend's (Alex) downtown. I dropped them off and then at 2AM went back and picked them up. Things have changed since I was last there. It was so funny watching everyone leave Sammy T's and I was thinking "that was me" back in the day. Here are some pics of my Sammy T's days.....

Me and Hayley front row!! The only way!!! Below is me and Kristen leaving at 2AM for some reason we never thought the place was closed until the lights would come on and they would kick us out!!!!

Fun Times...Love my girls!!

When I got to downtown, the road I always take was closed so I did get lost (Hello! How long have I been going downtown and living in Huntsville??) but, that is another issue for another day..... So I finally got to them and pick them up and headed back home. By the time we got home is was around 2:30AM and we had to get up REALLY early the next day!!!

Saturday - Was moving day for Kristen and Josh. So we headed to Arab @ 8AM that morning. It was a long day and we are stilling hurting from all the moving. But, It was a fun day. Us girls (Melissa, Kristen, and me) gossip the hole time we were moving (it's called multi-tasking - Josh!). When I said we would help move I thought the meaning of "move" was load the truck and unload the truck.....However Kristen defines the word "move" as packing the house, load the truck, unload the truck, and put away!!! I will remember that when they ask us to help next time! BTW - We will be at the beach that weekend (not sure what weekend it will be but, I'm sure we will be out of We didn't get home until 10:45pm that night but, we were active and not being lazy so that was good!

Sunday - We got up around 9AM and went to the Spring Market. I love crafts and getting new ideas. I plan to go again next year!! We had some lunch then headed back home to wash clothes and get ready for the week.

This week has been busy but, slow. Have you ever had one of those weeks? I wasn't busy at work just surf the web, facebook, and anything else I could do for my 8 hours. I left during lunch to go home and sew. I had 7 towel wraps to monogram for my friends wedding party gifts. So, I finished those and I'm very please with them. I hope she likes them!! I will post a picture soon....If you have monogramming needs let me know I will be happy to do it! Then I had to do some bibs that Jessica gave me. I got about half of them done during the week then last night my needle kept breaking so after the 2nd needle I was done for the night....Maybe I will finish the other half next week. Again I will post some pictures!

Weekend plans - Well, it's Easter and we have a busy weekend. Thomas left for Fort Payne this morning around 6:45AM. He is getting new tires put on his car and getting something fix on the inside. Then he is going to help his dad do some stuff around the house. GiGi (Thomas's Grandmother (His dad's mother)) is in ICU. She has been having trouble breathing. They found a blood clot around her heart so they gave her some meds to help with that. They will look at it again in 6 weeks and go in and shock her heart. So, Thomas stop by to see her in the hospital. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. I have plans with some girls for dinner in Arab tonight and I can't wait!! Then I'm off to Fort Payne. I plan on getting up and shopping around Fort Payne to use some of my gift cards that we got for our wedding (I'm not a good gift card person I hold onto them and I hope to drop off the towel wraps to my friend. Saturday is also Brandon Family Easter so we will get to see the fam and then watch Preston play baseball that evening. Sunday church with his parents and then off to Arab to see my fam. It's stressful just writing it down.......Then I need to wash clothes and clean the house sometime (we will be getting our maid back after I pay off my credit card which will be at the end of May!!)...I'm tried just looking at everything we have to do this weekend.

Hope everyone has a Wonderful Easter!!!

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